About Us
What will my next hairstyle be?
This is the question that all black and mixed-race women ask themselves regularly. The choice of your hairstyle and locks is a choice that sometimes requires a lot of thought, especially when you cannot find the products that correspond to us on the current market.
We have all been confronted with this problem. We were looking for an authentic protective hairstyle that is quick to achieve. The hook locks met our expectations but after going to various stores, the products available did not correspond to what we were looking for (appearance - texture - size).
From a problem arises an idea.
The often devalued synthetic hair is however used for our hairstyles since our childhood. It is malleable and offers many possibilities in terms of hairstyle when the quality is at the rendezvous.
Faced with the limited supply of the current market, we therefore decided to design the brand of NEFERT HAIR.
A brand that will offer extensions according to our beauty standards while respecting our hair texture.
It all starts in 2018!
In February 2018, we went to several Asian countries with the desire to find suppliers to develop our project.
Our trip allowed us to discover the world of hair extensions (manufacturing techniques, materials used ...) and to make the following observation:
- The brands of synthetic wicks that you currently find on the French market are mostly owned by men. This is reflected in the appearance of the products and in the absence of customer relations with consumers.
- In addition, we also observe that many products are designed for the American market, and are difficult to access from France.
Faced with this, we believe that as black women we must design the products that concern us in order to best meet our expectations.
It is also essential to expand the offer for our customers in France by having a brand designed by us, which can take into account your needs and meet your desires.
The creation of Nefert Hair.
After months of work in collaboration with our suppliers, we have created our first range of hook locks. A range that gives you a choice of shape, color and size.
Other ranges are under development.
Stay connected on our social networks.
Nefert Hair